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SUSCON XI – 11th International Conference on Sustainability

IIM Shillong
21st -23rd November, 2024

Introductory note on SUSCON

In the last fifteen years since inception, IIM Shillong has kept alive and strengthened its intellectual and moral commitment to the overarching cause of integrating Sustainability into every aspect of its academic programmes and initiatives covering all aspects of human endeavour. SUSCON, the flagship event of the Institute, is not just a Conference or another academic activity, it is a movement that has created a platform for dialogues and deliberations at a local, national as well as global level. It aspires towards creating a value-based, humane and sustainable future for business, academia, Government, civil society groups, NGOs and thinkers and practitioners covering all disciplines of management and beyond to include all other domains of pursuit of knowledge and practice. It dreams of leaving behind for posterity ethically driven business organizations, a sane and happy society, and a sustainable planet earth to be created by visionary, conscientious and inspired leaders of thought and action from enlightened academic and research institutions.

Over the years, many eminent personalities from the world over have shared their valuable insights on various aspects of Sustainability. SUSCON has been blessed by the presence of Bharat Ratna Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam, former President of India, and Padma Bhushan Dr. Sundarlal Bahuguna, Jadab Payeng, the Forest Man of India, Dasho Karma Ura, the President of Centre for Bhutan Studies and Gross National Happiness (GNH) Research as our Chief Guests among many others.

Introduction to SUSCON XI

SUSCON XI of IIM Shillong converges the focus on environmental sustainability and aims at achieving climate positivity through carbon removal from the environment by new strategies and technologies:

Climate Positive World

The theme of SUSCON X, “Revisit Revive Restore”, encourages a re-evaluation of past practices that have led to environmental degradation, a revitalization of efforts to protect and restore ecosystems, and a restoration of the Earth’s natural balance. This theme sets the stage for deeper discussions on how these efforts can contribute to the larger goal of achieving a climate positive world. By transitioning to this concept in the SUSCON XI, the conference can explore how to revive and restore the environment and actively remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, thereby helping to stabilize the climate and mitigate the impacts of climate change. SUSCON XI takes forward the baton from SUSCON X on these very aspects, and this transition reflects a shift towards more ambitious and forward-thinking strategies for achieving a sustainable future.

In recent years, the urgency of addressing climate change has become increasingly evident. The world is experiencing rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and ecological disruptions that threaten the well-being of current and future generations. To combat these challenges, there is a growing movement towards achieving a “climate positive” world, where human activities not only reduce carbon emissions but actively remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, helping to restore balance to the Earth’s climate system.

The concept of a climate positive world revolves around the idea of achieving net-negative greenhouse gas emissions. This means that the amount of carbon dioxide removed from the atmosphere exceeds the amount emitted, resulting in a reduction of the overall concentration of greenhouse gases. The primary objectives of this concept are to raise awareness, promote action, facilitate collaboration, and showcase best practices. Achieving a climate positive world requires a multi-faceted approach that addresses both mitigation and adaptation strategies. Transitioning to renewable energy, carbon removal technologies, reforestation and afforestation, sustainable agriculture, circular economy, and climate-friendly policies are among the key strategies for achieving a climate positive world.

Achieving a climate positive world is a complex and ambitious goal, but it is essential for ensuring a sustainable future for all. SUSCON XI will provide a platform for stakeholders to come together, share ideas, and commit to taking action towards this shared goal. Together, we can work towards a climate positive world that benefits both current and future generations.


The conference provides a global platform for engaging in dialogues and deliberations to address the issues and challenges around the following indicative sub-themes:

Climate Science and Impacts

Concept Note :

The sub-theme “Climate Science and Impacts” delves into the critical intersection of scientific knowledge and real-world consequences of climate change. It aims to deepen our understanding of climate dynamics, including the drivers of change, current and projected impacts on ecosystems, communities, and economies, and the implications for sustainable development. This sub-theme not only highlights the urgency of addressing climate change but also underscores the importance of science-based decision-making and innovative solutions to mitigate its impacts.

Climate Mitigation and Adaptation

Concept Note :

The sub-theme “Climate Mitigation and Adaptation” focuses on proactive strategies to address the challenges posed by climate change. It emphasizes the importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to mitigate further climate change while also highlighting the need to adapt to the changes that are already underway. This sub-theme explores a range of mitigation and adaptation measures, including sustainable energy solutions, nature-based approaches, and innovative technologies, to build resilience and promote sustainable development in the face of a changing climate.

Carbon Removal Technologies

Concept Note :

The sub-theme “Carbon Removal Technologies” highlights the crucial role of innovative technologies in addressing the escalating levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide. It focuses on exploring cutting-edge approaches such as direct air capture, bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS), and enhanced weathering, which have the potential to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and help mitigate climate change. This sub-theme underscores the importance of accelerating research, development, and deployment of these technologies to achieve a carbon-neutral or even carbon-negative future, leading to a climate positive world.

Sustainable Management Practices

Concept Note :

The sub-theme of “Sustainable Management Practices” embodies a commitment to harmonizing human activities with ecological systems, ensuring the well-being of both present and future generations. It encompasses a broad spectrum of practices across various sectors, including agriculture, forestry, energy, transportation, and urban planning, that prioritize environmental health, social equity, tourism, and economic viability. This sub-theme emphasizes the importance of adopting holistic approaches that not only minimize negative impacts but also actively regenerate natural resources and promote resilience. It also recognizes the critical role of local communities, indigenous knowledge, and traditional practices in achieving sustainability. Through showcasing best practices, innovative solutions, and collaborative efforts, this sub-theme seeks to inspire transformative change towards a climate positive world.

Policy and Governance

Concept Note :

The sub-theme of “Policy and Governance” underscores the pivotal role of governmental and institutional frameworks in driving transformative action towards sustainability. It encompasses the development, implementation, and enforcement of policies that promote sustainable practices, mitigate climate change, and safeguard ecosystems. This sub-theme emphasizes the need for integrated approaches that consider social, economic, and environmental dimensions, and engage diverse stakeholders in decision-making processes. It also highlights the importance of adaptive governance structures that can respond effectively to the dynamic challenges posed by climate change. By showcasing successful policy initiatives, exploring innovative governance models, and fostering dialogue between policymakers, researchers, and practitioners, this sub-theme seeks to catalyze systemic change and accelerate progress towards a climate positive world.

Sustainable Finance and Investment

Concept Note :

The “Sustainable Finance and Investment” sub-theme underscores the critical role of financial mechanisms and investment practices in driving the transition to a sustainable and climate-resilient future. It encompasses a wide range of topics, including green finance, sustainable investing, impact investing, and innovative funding mechanisms for climate adaptation and mitigation. This sub-theme recognizes that while significant progress has been made in mobilizing finance for sustainable development, there is a need for greater scale, speed, and depth of investment to achieve global sustainability goals. It emphasizes the importance of aligning financial flows with sustainable development objectives and integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into investment decision-making processes. By exploring best practices, innovative financing models, and emerging trends in sustainable finance, this sub-theme seeks to catalyze greater investment in sustainable solutions and accelerate the transition to a more sustainable and inclusive economy for climate positive world.

Education and Capacity Building

Concept Note :

The sub-theme of “Education and Capacity Building” highlights the crucial role of education, training, gender diversity, and skill development in fostering a culture of sustainability and empowering individuals and communities to become effective change agents. It emphasizes the need for lifelong learning that equips people with the knowledge, skills, and values to understand and address the complex challenges of sustainability, including climate change, biodiversity loss, and resource depletion. This sub-theme recognizes that education is not only a means to raise awareness but also a powerful tool for driving behavioral change and fostering innovation. It emphasizes the importance of education in building resilience, promoting sustainable lifestyles, and nurturing a sense of global citizenship. By showcasing best practices in education and capacity building, facilitating knowledge exchange, and fostering collaboration between academia, policymakers, and practitioners, this sub-theme seeks to empower individuals and communities to take meaningful action towards a climate positive world.

** Topics from management domains not explicitly covered above but linked to the conference theme are also welcomed**

Chief Guest

Shri Shyam Sunder Paliwal (Padma Shri)

Shri Shyam Sunder Paliwal Ji is a social activist from Piplantri village in Rajsamand district in the Indian state of Rajasthan and is a nationally and internationally known individual due to his Piplantri model. He was awarded Padma Shri by the President of India for social service in 2021. He is known as the "Father of Eco-Feminism".

Keynote speakers:

Prof Michael Zwicky Hauschild

Professor, Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering
Co-founder and director of the DTU Centre for Absolute Sustainability, Technical University of Denmark

Prof Christoph Herrmann

Full Professor, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany & Director, Fraunhofer IST

Prof Ugur Soytas

Full Professor, Economics, Climate Economics and Risk Management and Section Head at DTU - Technical University of Denmark

Prof Kuldip Singh Sangwan

Shri B. K. Birla and Shrimati Sarala Birla Chair Professor, Mechanical Engineering, BITS Pilani

Prof Tiina Onkila

Associate Professor, Jyväslylä School of Business and Economics (JSBE), University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Dr. Bibhab Kumar Talukdar

Wildlife Biologist, Secretary General and Chief Executive Officer, Aaranyak

Mr. Prabodha Acharya

Chief Sustainability Officer, JSW Group

Mr. Somdeb Banerjee

Managing Director and Founder of Dark Star Group
Ex. CEO & MD Tata Steel Minerals (Southern Africa) (Pty) Ltd

Mr. Flo Oberhofer

COO at PyroCCS - Industrial Biochar CDR in the Global South

Mr. Harsh Choudhry

Co-founder & CEO at sentra.world

Call for papers, posters, and working projects/prototypes

Submission Type

SUSCON XI invites academicians, research scholars, and corporate/industry executive to submit:

  • Research Paper
  • Literature Review
  • Case Study
  • Conceptual Paper
  • Poster
  • Working projects/Prototypes

On one or more of the sub-themes mentioned above.

Submission Process

Authors can submit their extended abstracts up to 1000 words or the full paper using the submission portal given below. Authors wishing to submit multiple papers will have to do separately.

Authors can also submit their posters and videos of working projects/prototypes using the given submission portal.

Abstract submission portal: ***Link to be generated soon***

All papers must be original and not previously submitted for any other conference or journal. Authors must follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), Seventh Edition (2020), while preparing their manuscript. The similarity of the text must not exceed 15%.

Mode of Presentation

SUSCON XI will be conducted in hybrid mode. Indian participants will present papers physically at the IIM Shillong campus. International participants may present their papers virtually (Optional). Virtual option is also available for the project/prototype presentations from Indian participants.

Important Dates and Registration Fee

Important Dates

Last date for abstract submission 16.08.2024
Decision on Acceptance /rejection of abstracts 15.09.2024
Registration Begins 16.09.2024
Registration Closes 30.10.2024
Conference Dates 22.11.2024 to 24.11.2024

Registration Details

Participants Registration Fee
Corporate/Academicians Rs. 5000 per participant + 18% GST
Research Scholars/Students  Rs. 3000 per participant + 18% GST
International Participants $115 + 18% GST

Conference Brochure

Submission Link

Knowledge partners

Corporate Environmental Management (CEM) Research Group
Jyväslylä School of Business and Economics (JSBE), University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Publication partners:

Publication of Conference Proceedings

The Selected papers will be published in IIMS Journal of Management Science.

Contact details:

Conference Email: sus-con@iimshillong.ac.in

Conference Website: www.iimshillong.ac.in/events-and-conferences/conferences/suscon

Phone no.: 0364-2308000

Address: Indian Institute of Management Shillong, Umsawli, Shillong, 793018, Meghalaya, India

Advisory board

Conference Patron

Prof. D.P. Goyal, Director, Indian Institute of Management, Shillong

Organizing Committee

Conference Chair

  • Prof. Kailash Choudhary

Committee Members

  • Prof. Abhishek Vashishth
  • Prof. Achinta Kr. Sarmah
  • Prof. Sharad Nath Bhattacharya
  • Prof. Varnita Srivastava

Information to Participants

About IIM Shillong

IIM Shillong, the seventh IIM in India, has been set up with a vision to become an internationally recog­nized Management Institute with a Global outlook grounded in Indian values. From its inception it has been constantly working towards a lofty mission to generate and disseminate knowledge in all aspects of management education with focus on Sustainability and building innovative leadership.

Travelling to Shillong

Surrounded by verdant hills, Shillong offers a beautiful panoramic view of the graceful scenic country­side. Shillong can be reached by taxi from Guwahati airport/railway station which is about120 km away. Guwahati airport is well connected to many major cities in India including Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai, and Kolkata. Helicopter services are also available between Guwahati and Shillong. Shillong is connected to Assam, Manipur, Tripura, West Bengal and New Delhi through direct flights. Know more