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Sponsored Projects

Projects Sponsoring Agency Name of Principal Investigator(s)
Role of Independent Directors – Enhancing or Otherwise of the Shareholders Wealth – An Empirical Investigation, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, GOI. Prof. P Saravanan and Dr. T. S. Shaw
Are Directors Concerned about their Reputation – Evidence from Indian Firms? Sponsored by Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Delhi. Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Delhi. Prof. P Saravanan
Awareness of Sanitation and Solid Waste Management: Can it be way forward?, HUDCO HUDCO Prof. Rohit Dwivedi
Impact Evaluation Study on Minor Irrigation Projects supported under RIDF, NABARD in Meghalaya, NABARD NABARD in Meghalaya, NABARD Prof. Keya Sengupta, Prof. Tapas K Giri, Prof. K. C. Das, and Prof. M Srikanth
Development of Best Practices of Demand Chain Management, AICTE, Govt. Of India, New Delhi under Nationally Coordinated Project. Prof. D. K. Agrawal
Conducting Survey to identify the need of Local Industries in Meghalaya, NIELIT Shillong NIELIT Shillong Prof. Debashisha Mishra & Prof. Bidyut J Gogoi
Study on the Schemes of the Meghalaya Building & Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Board, Govt of Meghalaya Govt of Meghalaya Prof. Natalie W Kharkongor
Study on the No.of Building and other construction workers Govt of Meghalaya Prof. Santosh Prusty & Prof. Natalie w. Kharkongor
Impact Evaluation Study of Minor Irrigation Projects in Meghalaya Rural Infrastructure Development Fund, NABARD, Mumbai “Prof. Keya Sengupta- Principal Investigator
Co-investigators: Prof Tapas K Giri, Prof. Khanindra Ch Das & Prof. Maram Srikanth”
Draft Sports Policy of Government of Meghalaya Government of Meghalaya “Prof. Amitabha De-Principal Investigator
Co-investigators: Prof. Bidyut J Gogoi, Prof. Rohit Joshi, DR. K I Sigh and Shri S Marbaniang”
Effectiveness of Independent Directors in the Board of Directors-An Empirical Investigation of Indian Firms Indian Council of Social Sciences Research “Prof. P. Saravanan
Co-investigators: Prof Tara Shankar Shaw (IIT Bombay), Prof Gourav Vallabh (XLRI Jamshedpur) and Prof Maram Srikanth”
Detailed Project Report on Incubation Centres Meghalaya Industrial Development Corporation Ltd Prof. D. K. Agrawal
Developing System Dynamics Model Protiviti, UAE Prof. Santosh K. Prusty
Impact Evaluation of MNREGA in Meghalaya, Government of Meghalaya, Shillong. Prof. Keya Sengupta
Development of performance measurement system to identify strategic fit between farmers `Demand’ and extension services `supply’: An exploratory study in Indian context ICSSR Prof. Rohit Joshi
Impact Assessment of Indo-German Development Cooperation (IGDC) Project on Participatory Natural Resource Management in Tripura August 2016 PMA-IGDC, Tripura, India Prof. Tapas Kumar Giri
Outcome Evaluation of State Finances in the context of the recommendations of the 14th Finance Commission: Determination of a sustainable debt roadmap for 2020-25,taking into account impact of introduction of GST and other taxes/non-tax trend forecasts for Meghalaya. 15th Finance Commission, Govt of India Prof Keya Sengupta
Formulation of the Draft Meghalaya Sports Policy Government of Meghalaya Prof Amitabha De
Third Party Evaluation of Schemes of MDoNER / NEC – NEC Schemes Ministry of DoNER, Government of India Prof Amitabha De, Keya Sengupta, Rohit Dwivedi, Sharad Nath Bhattacharya, Santosh Prusty, T.K Giri
Validation of Techno-economic Viability Study Report of North Eastern Regional Agricultural Marketing Corporation Ltd (NERAMAC), prepared by NEDFi Ministry of DoNER, Government of India Prof Amitabha De,Prof Basav Roychoudhury,Prof Bidyut Gogoi, Prof Rohit Joshi, Sharad N Bhattacharya, Prof Tapas Giri
Third Party Evaluation Study of Schemes of MDoNER: Non-Lapsable Central Pool of Resources (NLCPR), Ministry of DoNER, GOI Prof. Harsh Vardhan Samalia, Prof. Santosh Kr Prusty, Prof. Naliniprava Tripathy, Prof. Sanjita Jaipuria
Third Party Evaluation of NEC ,DoNER Project Ministry of DoNER, GOI Prof. Keya Sengupta , Prof. Rohit Dwivedi, Prof. Shankar Purbey, Prof. Sharad N Bhattacharya, Prof. Tapas Giri
Independent Validation of Thematic Annual Outcome Survey conducted by MBDA MBDA, Government of Meghalaya Prof. Natalie West Kharkongor
Leadership Training Program-Project Prosper UNDP Prof Natalie,Prof Neelam,Prof GurpreetKaur
Third Party assessment of Professional Development Training of Teachers under ADB assisted SHCDM Project Department of Education ,Government of Meghalaya Prof Rohit Dwivedi
Evaluation of Staffs position of MCCL MCCL Prof. Shankar Purbey
Study of Export potentials of NER under Assistance of State for developing export infrastructure and allied activities ASIDE Scheme under the Ministry of Commerce & Industry ,Department of Commerce Ministry of Commerce & Industry Prof. Keya Sengupta
Tourism & Hospitality NEC Prof. Keya Sengupta
Preparation of Background Note of HDR for the Govt. of Sikkim Govt. of Sikkim Prof. Sanjeeb Kakoty & Prof. Rohit Dwividi ( Research)
Training of Project management , Planning, Implementation & evaluation NERCORMP Prof. Shankar Purbey
Third Party Assessment of PDT of Teachers under ADB Assisted SHCDM Project Directorate of School Education & Literacy & Member Secretary , PIU-1,ADB Project Prof. Rohit Dwivedi, Prof.Arindum Mukhopadhyay, Prof. Atul Mehta
Determinant of Financing Decision of Corporate Acquisition ICSSR Prof. Neelam Rani
Undertaking Study on SWOC of the Dept of Commerce and Industry MIDC Prof. Nalini P. Tripathy, Prof. Natalie W Kharkongor, Prof. Sonia Nongmaithem
Preparation of the Strategy Plan Enhancing Floriculture , Bamboo, and Cane Sector in NER Way Forward Ministry of Commerce , GOI Prof. P. Saravanan & Prof. T.K Giri
Mid Term Evaluation of Saakshar Bharat Program in Manipur & Nagaland EDCIL Prof. T.K Giri
Export Potentials in NE States Ministry of Commerce Prof. P saravanan, Prof. T.K Giri, Prof. T S Shaw
Free The Slaves Govt of Bihar Prof. Rohit Dwivedi
Policy Discussion on water supply and Sanitation Sector ( WATSAN) PHE Guiwahati Prof. T.K Giri
Managing hospitals & Health Services . SHIJA Research Institute Prof. T.K Giri
Sino Indian global reciprocal advance management program “Understanding China: Business & Culture Indian Institute of Bank Management Prof. Rohit Joshi
National Foundation for Corporate Governance NFCG Prof. P Saravanan
In dept study of low CD Ration in Meghalaya State Level Bankers Prof. Natalie West Kharkongor
Preparation of Project and Structure of Civil Supply Corporation Govt of Assam Food Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Dept Prof. Sanjeeb Kakoty & Prof. Rohit Dwividi
Financial Vulnerability Assessment Using Data Analytics: Evidence from the Rural Households of 3 Indian States DVARA Research Foundation Prof Atul Mehta and Prof Pradeep Dadabada
Impact Assessment Study on SUGAM e district Assam Electronics Development Corp Ltd Prof Ashutosh Murti
Evaluation of the Scheme “Promotion of MSME in NER and Sikkim” Ministry of MSME Prof Neelam Rani and Prof Ridhi Arora
CSR Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation Special Purpose Vehicle Society (SPVS) Prof Ashutosh Murti