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Community Engagement and Impact Initiatives

IIM Shillong, through its organizational units, scholarly initiatives and dedicated centers, engages in a wide range of activities to connect with local communities and society at large. These efforts focus on sustainable management and fostering economic, social, and ecological well-being, aiming to make a positive societal impact.

Dedicated Centers
  • Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Centre for Policy Research and Analysis and NE-CCIE (Centre for Community Impact and Engagement for North East) address regional public policy and educational needs, actively participating in developmental initiatives for the Northeast region.
  • IIM Shillong Foundation for Incubation and Enterprises (IIMSFIE) is a specialized center that supports early-stage businesses and startups, providing resources and guidance for their growth.
Five Primary Dimensions of Institutional Activities

All the Institutional activities (internal and external) are mapped to five primary dimensions: Teaching, Research, Partnership, Dialogue, and Practices. Each of these dimensions encompasses various initiatives undertaken by the Institute to align with its mission and vision.

  • Teaching: Focuses on creating educational frameworks and environments that facilitate effective learning experiences.
  • Research: Involves engaging in basic and applied research to advance understanding and impact sustainable social, environmental, and economic value.
  • Partnership: Entails collaborating with businesses, corporates, and other organizations to address social and environmental responsibilities and explore effective approaches to meet these challenges.
  • Dialogue: Supports dialogue and debate among educators, corporates, government, students, and other stakeholders.
  • Practices: Includes institutional practices that instill values of global, social, and environmental responsibility.
Aligning with Societal Impact Goals

The initiatives under these dimensions are aligned with societal impact goals / Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

  • Activities are categorized and mapped to specific SDGs to highlight their contribution.
  • The results are organized into an SDG Dashboard, setting goals for integrating SDGs into all Institute functions.
  • This visual representation effectively communicates IIM Shillong’s contributions to SDGs to both internal and external stakeholders.
Community Immersion Program 2024

A hands-on, experiential learning course where students engage with communities, NGOs, and industries to apply classroom knowledge and gain practical skills. CIP involves active students’ engagement with communities to gain hands-on experience, deepen their understanding regarding socio-cultural and economic issues, and contribute to the well-being of the communities. CIP for PGP Students is conducted during Term IV to VI and In 2023, 267 students completed a 10-day immersion program in various enterprises in North East (NE).

Students, working in groups, participate in various field activities, projects, and interact with the communities. This allows them to apply classroom knowledge to real-world situations and gain practical skills. The community immersion program was launched in phases for the PGP 2022-24 participants, with each phase being a week-long immersion. These phases are distributed over three terms where the students are oriented towards the challenges of the local communities of Meghalaya and other North-Eastern states and engage with them to understand their cultures and etiquettes. The students were put to use the acquired managerial skills to different situations and environments and suggest enhancement and development of the community through managerial interventions.