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Economics and Public Policy

Atul Mehta

Assistant Professor, Ph.D., IIM Indore

Scopus Profile

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LinkedIn Profile


Email : atul@iimshillong.ac.in

Office Ph.: +91 364 2308030

Research Interests/ Areas

Financial sector development; Financial Literacy, attitude & behavior; Financial Vulnerability; Financial Capability; Inclusive Finance; Poverty & Inequality; Elementary Education; and Healthcare Management

Teaching Interest / Areas

Macroeconomics, Indian Economy, International Economics, Development Finance

Consultancy Interest / Areas

Financial sector development; Financial Literacy, attitude & behavior; Financial Vulnerability; Financial Capability; Inclusive Finance; Poverty & Inequality; Elementary Education; and Healthcare Management


Atul Mehta is a member of Economics & Public Policy area at IIM Shillong. He holds M.A. degree in Economics from Devi Ahilya University Indore and a Doctorate in Economics from IIM Indore. His teaching interests include Macroeconomics, Monetary economics, Indian economy, International economics, and Development finance. His current research interests are in the domain of household finance – financial literacy-attitude-behavior-well-being, financial vulnerability, financial sector development, inclusive finance, poverty and inequality. He has presented his research at several national and international conferences in India and abroad and has also published in refereed journals.

Prior to join IIM Shillong, he was associated with SRM University in Delhi-NCR and Chennai campus. He also has experience in economic policy-oriented research with National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER), New Delhi and Indian Institute of Health Management Research (IIHMR), Jaipur. He has worked on several projects concerning various rural and urban developmental and healthcare issues in India.

Research Projects (Completed):

  • Impact Assessment Study of Jan Kerosene Pariyojana Sponsored by Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas.
  • Evaluation study of Remote Village Electrification Programme Sponsored by Ministry of New and Renewable Energy.
  • Forecasting and Monitoring of Retail Prices of Essential Commodities Sponsored by Department of Planning, Government of NCT of Delhi.
  • External Monitoring System for Medical Mobile Units in Rajasthan Sponsored by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of Rajasthan.
  • Determining the Application of Spirituality in Patient care at Bhaktivedant Hospital, Mumbai.

Research Projects (Ongoing):

  • CSR Monitoring and Evaluation sponsored by SPVS.
  • Examining the Impact of Using Energy Currency in Newly Electrified Communities Sponsored by Schneider Electric Industries SAS, France
  • Action plan for the Development of Handicraft & Handloom sectors in the North East Region sponsored by North Eastern Council (NEC)
  • Financial Vulnerability Assessment using Data Analytics: Evidence from the rural households of 3 Indian states sponsored by Dvara Research


  • Kamble, P. A., Mehta, A., & Rani, N. (2023). Financial Inclusion and Digital Financial Literacy: Do they Matter for Financial Well-being?. Social Indicators Research, 1-31. (ABDC – ‘A’, SCOPUS – Q1)
  • Payab, A. H., Kautish, P., Sharma, R., Siddiqui, A., Mehta, A., & Siddiqui, M. (2023). Does human capital complement sustainable development goals? Evidence from leading carbon emitter countries. Utilities Policy, 81, 101509. (SCOPUS – Q1)
  • Oberoi, S., Srivastava, S., Gupta, V. K., Joshi, R., & Mehta, A. (2022). Crowd Reactions to Entrepreneurial Failure in Rewards-Based Crowdfunding: A Psychological Contract Theory Perspective. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 15(7), 300. (ABDC – ‘B’, SCOPUS – Q3)
  • Mehta, A., & Bhattacharya, J. (2022). What should government prioritize for the upliftment of the poor in India: access to credit or economic growth?. International Review of Public Administration, 27(2), 129-146. (ABDC – ‘B’)
  • Goswami, N., Murti, A. B., & Mehta, A. (2022). A Managerial Guide to Understanding Firm’s Nonmarket Environment and Forces to Steer Strategy Development. Manager – The British Journal of Administrative Management, 58(150), 101-123. (ABDC – ‘C’)
  • Sinha, A., Sengupta, T., & Mehta, A. (2021) Tourist Arrivals and Development of Shadow Economy: Wavelet-based evidence from Thailand. Tourism Analysis: An Interdisciplinary Journal (ABDC – ‘A’ and SCOPUS – Q2)
  • Mehta, A. (2021) Analyzing the Debt Behavior of Farm Households in the Maharashtra State of India. Journal of Developing Areas 56(2), 107-117. (ABS – 4)
  • Mehta, A., & Bhattacharya, J. (2020) Channels of financial sector development and the inequality widening (narrowing) hypothesis –evidence from India. Journal of Financial Economic Policy, 12(4). (ABDC ‘B’, SCOPUS – Q3)
  • Deb, R., Samalia, H. V., & Mehta, A. (2020) The Influence of Access to Finance on Driving the Informal Economy: An Institution Based View. The Empirical Economics Letters, 19(5). (ABDC ‘C’)
  • Mehta, A., & Bhattacharya, J. (2019). What discriminates the welfare outcomes of children in India. A multiple discriminant analysis in selected states. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 26(2). (ABDC ‘C’)
  • Mehta, A., & Bhattacharya, J. (2018). Financial sector development and the poor in developing countries: revisiting the access to finance channel. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3(616). (ABDC ‘C’)
  • Mehta, A., & Bhattacharya, J. (2017). What works best for the poor in rural India – Poverty-lending approach or financial systems approach?. South Asia Economic Journal, 18(2), 1-16. (ABDC ‘C’ and SCOPUS – Q3)
  • Mehta, A., & Bhattacharya, J. (2017) Channels of financial sector development and rural-urban consumption inequality in India. International Journal of Social Economics, 44(12), 1973-87. (ABDC ‘B’ and SCOPUS – Q3)
  • Mehta, A., & Bhattacharya, J. (2016). The Role of Household-level Characteristics in Predicting the Unbanked in Rural India: A Comparison of Eastern and Western Regions. The IUP Journal of Applied Economics, 15(4), 48-73. (ABDC ‘C’)
  • Secured First position in M.A. (Economics) with First class and Distinction.
  • Received the Best Paper Award for paper titled “Direct Financial Intermediation and Poor in Rural India – Micro Credit Under Self-help Group Bank Linkage Programme” presented at the Great Lakes –Union Bank 5th Annual Finance Conference by Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai on January 27, 2015.
  • Received full scholarship from Central Bank of Sri Lanka to present a paper titled “What form of Financial Development Works Best for Poor in Rural India?” at the 8th International Research Conference on December 7, 2015 in Colombo, Sri Lanka. His paper was one of the eight papers selected for presentation from submissions received across countries.