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Strategy and Liberal Studies

Shamita Garg

Assistant Professor, Ph.D., IIT Delhi

Scopus Profile

Orcid Profile

LinkedIn Profile


Email : shamita@iimshillong.ac.in

Office Ph.: +91 364 2308000

Research Interests/ Areas

Globalization, Deglobalization Strategy, International Business, Sustainability, Cycles of Internationalization and De-internationalization

Teaching Interest / Areas

Strategic Management, Strategy for Sustainable Business, Managing Creativity and Innovation

Consultancy Interest / Areas


Dr. Shamita Garg is an Assistant Professor at IIM Shillong, India. Previously, she has worked at the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (India) and OP Jindal Global University (India). She has five publications in reputed international journals (including two in ‘A’). Apart from international publications, she has two book chapters and two papers in conference proceedings. She has been an active member of the Global Institute of Flexible Systems Management and presented papers at conferences such as AIB Conference, GLOGIFT, Academy for Global Business Advancement, and PAN IIT. She has reviewed articles for International Journal of Global Business and Competitiveness (IJGBC).

Assistant Professor (Strategic Management), Jindal Global Business School, O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat- Aug. 2022- Nov. 2022.

Assistant Professor (Strategic Management), School of Business, Jindal Global Business School, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun- Jan. 2022-July. 2022.

International Journal

  • Garg, S., & Sushil, S. (2023). Deglobalization: a systematic enquiry using 5 Ws and 1 H framework. Benchmarking: An International Journal. DOI 10.1108/BIJ-06-2023-0374.(Scopus Indexed & listed in B Category in ABDC)
  • Garg, S and Sushil (2022). Impact of de-globalization on development: Comparative analysis of an emerging market (India) and a developed country (USA). Journal of Policy Modeling. (Scopus Indexed & listed in A Category in ABDC)
  • Garg, S and Sushil (2021). Determinants of deglobalization: A hierarchical model to explore their interrelations as a conduit to policy. Journal of Policy Modeling43(2), 433-447. (Scopus Indexed & listed in A Category in ABDC)
  • Garg, S., & Thakur, V. (2021). Modeling the factors of productivity in airline industry in India: A hybrid TISM-P and fuzzy-MICMAC approach. International Journal of Global Business and Competitiveness16(1), 39-47.
  • Garg, S and Sushil (2019). Internationalization of Tata Motors: Strategic analysis using flowing stream strategy process. International Journal of Global Business and Competitiveness14(1), 54-70. (Listed in ABDC)
  •  Garg, S and Sushil (2019). Deglobalisation as a challenge: a case study of the U.S.A. J. Global Business Advancement. 11(6), 753-775. (Scopus Indexed)

Book Chapter

Garg, S and Sushil (2019). Internationalisation Process of Indian Auto Giants, in Ramesh.A and Rangnekar. S (eds). Flexibility, Innovation, and Sustainable Business. Flexible System Management, Springer, India.


  • Garg, S and Sushil (2020). Interpretive Multi-Criteria Ranking of Variables Leading to Disenchantment from Global Integration, AIB Conference, February 27- February 29, 2020 , San Diego, California, U.S.A.
  • Garg, S and Sushil (2019). Impact of Global Integration on Performance of Select Auto Firm of Indian Origin, GLOGIFT 19, December 06- December 08, 2019, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee.
  • Garg, S and Sushil (2018). A case study of United States Based on SAP-LAP Framework, AGBA’s 15thWorld Congress, July 2 – July 4, 2018, NIDA Bangkok, Thailand. – This paper has been given BEST PAPER AWARD.
  • Garg, S and Sushil (2018). Incorporation of polarity in relationship for determinants leading to deglobalisation in the United States. First PAN IIT International Management Conference, November 30- December 2, 2018, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India.

Consultancy experience

Visiting Faculty experience

Recipient of MHRD Fellowship for ‘Research and Teaching Assistantship’ ( Jan. 2018-  September 2021), Department of Management Studies, IIT Delhi, India.