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Deadline for submission of extended abstract/papers has been extended upto 15th December, 2021

IIM Shillong is organizing the GLOGIFT 21 conference during April 21-23, 2022. GLOGIFT 21, an international conference with the theme ‘Flexibility, Resilience and Sustainability’ is an effort to provide a global forum for practitioners, policy makers, teachers, researchers, and students to share their practical experiences, knowledge, and insight in the evolution, formulation, and implementation of strategies and models for flexible management system to meet the challenging requirements of global business. The objective of the conference is to provide a knowledge sharing platform for dissemination of research and experiential findings through empirical study, qualitative modelling, case studies, new concepts and state of the art studies.

GLOGIFT 21, invites researchers, students and practitioners to submit research based as well as practice papers linked with the theme of the conference. The broad areas/sub-themes that will be of interest for the conference are given. Papers can be submitted to any of the following sub-themes or related areas.


  • Systematic Flexibility

  • Business Agility

  • Strategic Flexibility

  • Organizational Flexibility

  • Financial Flexibility and Risk Management

  • Marketing Flexibility

  • Human Resource Flexibility

  • Information System Flexibility

  • Flexibility/Agility in Technology

  • Sustainable Operation/ Logistics

  • Flexible Supply Chain

  • Sustainable Supply Chain

  • Flexibility Maturity Model

  • Innovation Flexibility

  • Life Cycle Assessment

  • Flexibility in Business Excellence

  • Business Analytics

  • Strategic Alliances

  • Firm Competitiveness

  • Environmental Management and Sustainability

  • Flexible Logistics

  • Eco- Innovation

  • Technology/ Innovation Management

GLOGIFT 21 Inauguration Invitation

Programme Schedule

Technical Sessions Schedule

Workshops Schedule

GLOGIFT 21 conference Brochure


The process starts with the submission of extended abstract as per the given timeline. Only online submission will be accepted.The extended abstract should not be more than five pages. Author can submit the full paper (maximum word length 8000). Acceptance of the extended abstract will be notified through the email and author have to submit the full paper. Author can also trace the status of the submitted paper in easychair. Invitation for presentation will be sent to all authors based on accepted extended abstract.

Please go through this link for details and author’s guidelines for formatting of the paper.

GLOGIFT 21 conference adopts a strict anti-plagiarism policy. Any submitted paper with more than 15% plagiarism is not going to be accepted for further processing.

Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceeding and selected papers will be considered for publication in

  • Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management (Springer)
  • Under book series on Flexible Systems Management (Springer)
  • International Journal of Global Business and Competitiveness (Springer)
  • IIMS Journal of Management Science

Payment Details

Particulars Regular Registration within India (Rs.) (Equivalent USD for Overseas Participants)
Delegates from Industry Pay Now 7500
Delegates from Academia R&D Organisations Pay Now 6500
Members from GIFT Pay Now 5500
Students Pay Now 3500
Student Members from GIFT Pay Now 3000

*Note for all Categories
Early Bird registration fee – Discount of Rs 500 within India and USD 20 from overseas
Late Registration – Additional Rs 500 only within India and USD 20 from overseas.

Important Dates

Date Deadlines
15 December 2021 Submission of Extended Abstracts/ Papers (Optional)
20 December 2021 Notification for acceptance of Extended Abstract/ Paper
31 December 2021 Submission of Full Paper
15 January 2022 Notification for acceptance of full Papers for Proceedings
31 January 2022 Submission of final form of Paper for inclusion in proceeding
01 February 2022 Early Bird Registration
15 February 2022 Regular Registration Opens
15 April 2022 Late Registration Closes

About Indian Institute of Management Shillong

Located in the green contours of North Eastern part of the country, IIM Shillong commenced its operation in 2008 and remains committed to its goal of excellence in management education and research so as to evolve into a nationally and internationally recognized education institute. High quality standards and rigor academic are considered as the hallmark of IIM Shillong. IIM Shillong emphasis on sustainable development in business practices. The institute strives to impact to its students’ ethical values compassionate behaviour and concern for society.

About Shillong 

Shillong is the capital of Meghalaya, one of the smallest states in India and home to communities of Khasi, Jaintia and Garos. It is said that the rolling hills around the town  remind us of the European settlers of Scotland. Hence, Shillong is known as ‘Scotland of the East’. The months of March and April are spring in Meghalaya, except evenings to be a little nippy early on, especially in the higher altitudes. This means that Meghalaya highlands, especially the central Khasi Hills, become an oasis for travellers who want to escape the burning heat of the Indian Plains. For more detail visit: www.meghalayatourism.in


There is limited accommodation within the IIM Shillong campus. Hence accommodation will be provided on first come first serve basis on chargeable basis.

Note : Participants of the conference are advised to carry warm clothes as April is cool in Shillong, especially evenings and nights.


Prof. D. P. Goyal, Director, IIM Shillong

Prof. Sushil, Founder President, GIFT Society

Prof. Sudhir K Jain, President, GIFT Society


Prof. Neelam Rani, IIM Shillong

Prof. Sanjita Jaipuria, IIM Shillong

Conference Chairs

Prof. Rohit Joshi, IIM Shillong

Prof. Achinta Kr. Sarmah, IIM Shillong

Prof. Kailash Choudhary, IIM Shillong

National Advisory Committee

Prof. Abid Haleem, Department Mechanical Engineering, Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi, India

Dr. A. Ramesh, Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, India

Prof. Kirankumar Momaya, Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India

Dr.  Pradeep Kumar Suri, Professor, Delhi School of Management, Delhi Technological University, Delhi, India

Dr. Sanjay Dhir, Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India

Prof. Smita Kashiramka, Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India

Prof. Shveta Singh, Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India

Prof. S. P. Singh, Department of Management Studies Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India

Prof. S. Rangnekar, Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, India

Prof. S. S.  Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi , New Delhi, India

Prof. D.K. Banwet ,Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

New Delhi, India

Prof. M. P. Gupta, Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

New Delhi, India

International Advisory Committee

Prof. Arun Abraham Elias, Victoria Business School,  Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zeeland

Prof. Douglas Cumming, College of Business, Florida Atlantic University, Florida, USA

Prof. Idiano D ’Adamo, Sapienza University, Italy

Prof. Julia Connell, University of Newcastle,  Newcastle, NSW, Australia

Prof. Rameshwar Dubey,  Liverpool Business School,  Liverpool John Moore’s University, Liverpool, UK

Prof. Rashmi Jain, Montclair State University, New Jersey, USA

Prof. Sofia Johan, College of Business, Florida Atlantic University, Florida, USA

Prof. Stuart Evan, Carnegie Mellon University, Silicon Valley, California, USA

Prof. Takao Fujiwara, Tayohashi University of Technology, Toyohashi, Aichi, Japan

For any query related to the conference and details regarding,

Doctoral Consortium

Nomination of Delegates



Contact details



For paper submission and Author’s guidelines, please visit:


IIM Shillong is hosting a series of workshops as a part of the GLOGIFT 21 conference. These workshops aim at providing the participants with insights on editors’ perspectives on scholarly publications in renowned journals, nuances of paper development, targeting quality journals, and publishing ethics with a special focus on Springer’s SDG program.

Click Here for Registration to the Workshops