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The commitment to the Doctoral program is four years which includes an enriching research focused, out-put oriented course work. The scholars are expected to complete the program in four years and ensure that they complete the requirements of the program within this stipulated time.

However, the candidates who are unable to complete the program within the stipulated time may be allowed to continue in the program depending upon their progress. After completion of four years into the program an extension of two years may be granted subject to approval from the Doctoral Committee.

Areas of Specialization offered

  • Economics and Public Policy
  • Finance and Control
  • Information Systems and Analytics
  • Marketing
  • Operations and Quantitative Techniques
  • Organisational Behaviour and Human Resources
  • Strategy & Liberal Studies


Term-I: Foundation Courses Term -II: Business Environment & Flexi Courses Term -III:  Intermediate Doctoral Courses Comprehensive Qualifying Examination
Research Proposal
Term -IV: Advance Level Courses Term -V: Seminar Courses
 (5.5 Credits)  (4.5 Credits)  (2 Credits)  (2 Credits) (4 Credits)
-Data and Business Modelling
-Financial Reporting and Analysis
-Managerial Economics
-Marketing Management
-Self and Group Dynamics
-Statistics for Decision Making
– Business Research Methods
-Operations ManagementFlexi courses (Three Credits to be completed)- Macro Economics
-Financial Management and Financial Markets
-Marketing Strategy
-Managerial Accounting
-Team Building and Leadership
-Business Ethics
-Business Law
-Corporate Finance
-Management Information Systems
-Operations Research
-Human Capital Management
-Sustainability and Business
Strategic Management
-Qualitative Research Method
-Quantitative Research Method
– 2 credits from PGP Elective Basket Courses in Consultation with Supervisors -Seminar Course in Research Writing
-Seminar Course in Research Writing for Journals


Phase-I (1st Year) Doctoral Coursework Term-I : Foundation (Essential) Courses
Term -II: Business Environment & Flexi Courses
Term -III: Intermediate level Doctoral courses
Phase-II (2nd Year) Advance Doctoral Courses Term -IV: Advance Courses from PGP Elective Basket in Consultation with Supervisors
Term -V: Seminar Courses
Phase-III (3rd – 4th Year) Thesis Work Academic Workshops/Conferences, Research Publications
Thesis Seminar
Thesis Proposal
Thesis Defense

*It is mandatory for the scholar to submit a quarterly progress report to the Doctoral Office routed through the respective TAC.


  • The doctoral coursework is a compulsory pre-requisite for all research scholars in the preparation of their doctoral journey. The structure of course work comprises core, flexi-core, and research based courses leading to an understanding of management discipline, building theoretical foundations in the core area, develop basic skills for analyzing managerial problems and instill research interest.
  • In the first year, the scholar shall compulsorily undertake a minimum of 10 credits and a maximum of 12 credits distributed over the three terms. Term-I and Term-II is conducted along with the first year PGP participants. Thus, the first year includes doctoral course work which includes Term-I through III. The tentative schedule for each module is available under the Academic Calendar (*may change if required).
  • The candidate will be required to obtain an overall CGPA of 2.67. or above for passing the doctoral Course Work.


  • After successful completion of the Course Work, the candidate needs to pass a CQE to proceed to move the second phase of the program. The candidate has to successfully clear the CQE exam before commencement of second year. After passing the CQE, the doctoral dissertation phase begins.
  • The candidate who do not qualify the exam shall be given one last attempt to complete this requirement.


  • In their second year, the scholars will undergo Term-IV courses. As part of Term-IV courses, the scholar will undertake two credits from the PGP Basket of electives in consultation with their supervisors.
  • The participant will start working on the primary research problem of the PhD thesis under the guidance of the Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC). Towards the same, at the start of the second year, the scholar is required to initiate the process of formation of TAC as per the Institute norms. The scholar will start working on a research proposal under the guidance of the TAC.
  • The participant will present the draft thesis in an open seminar (Pre-Dissertation Seminars) after the TAC clears the draft for the same. The draft thesis will be modified based on comments received from the TAC and the audience of the public seminar.
  • The scholar will complete 2.00 Credits from Seminar courses which will be based on independent study which scholar will undertake in consultation with the TAC. The evaluation of the doctoral seminar course will be done a committee duly formed by doctoral committee. Another 00 credits will come from the presentation seminar based on the research papers communicated to journals.


  • From third year onwards, the doctoral dissertation work provides them with an opportunity to make original contributions to an area of management or to one of its disciplines. The scholar is expected to work towards presenting papers at a conference, journal publications and other scholarly contributions.
  • The candidate will have to prepare and submit the doctoral thesis and then submit the duly modified thesis for evaluation. Once evaluated, the candidate will have to defend the Thesis in front of the examiners to be eligible for the award of the degree.

*Every scholar is expected to work at least 10 hours every week during the third and fourth year as Research/Teaching Assistant with a faculty member


Activity / Event Timeline



Registration for Phd (FT) 08 Jul 2024
Term-I: Foundation Courses Jul 2024 – Sep 2024
Term-II: Business Environment Courses & Flexi Courses Oct 2024 – Dec 2024
Term-III: Intermediate Doctoral courses Jan 2025 – Mar 2025
Comprehensive Qualifying Examination (CQE)  

Jun 2025 – Dec 2025

Allocation of TAC
Year-II delete
Term-IV: Advance Courses June 2025 – Aug 2025
Term-V: Seminar Courses

Paper published in scopus or web of science

Research Proposal

Sept 2025 – Dec 2025
Year-III and

IV onwards

Doctoral Dissertation Work and Thesis work (Expected) Jan 2026 onwards
Thesis Defense (Expected) Mar-2028
Activity / Event Timeline
Registration for PhD(FT) 10-Jul,2023
Term-I: Foundation Courses Jul, 2023 – Sep, 2023
Term-II: Business Environment Courses & Flexi Courses Sep, 2023 – Mar, 2024
Term-III: Intermediate Doctoral courses Apr, 2024 – May, 2024
Comprehensive Qualifying Examination (CQE) Jun, 2024 – Aug 2024
Allocation of TAC
Research Proposal
Term-IV: Advance Courses June, 2024 – Mar, 2025
Term-V: Seminar Courses Apr, 2025 – June, 2026
Doctoral Dissertation Work and Thesis work (Expected) Dec, 2026
Thesis Defense(Expected ) Mar-2027
Activity / Event Timeline
Registration for PhD(FT) 27-Jun,2022
Term-I: Foundation Courses Jun, 2022 – Sep, 2022
Term-II: Business Environment Courses & Flexi Courses Sep, 2022 – Mar, 2023
Term-III: Intermediate Doctoral courses Apr, 2023 – May, 2023
Comprehensive Qualifying Examination (CQE) Jun, 2023 – Aug 2023
Allocation of TAC
Research Proposal
Term-IV: Advance Courses June, 2023 – Mar, 2024
Term-V: Seminar Courses Apr, 2024 – June, 2025
Doctoral Dissertation Work and Thesis work (Expected) Dec, 2025
Thesis Defense(Expected ) Mar-2026