The Knights of the land, the Guardians at the wall
We are the ones that take care of them all !
The Hostel Committee works to ensure that the participants focus their energy on their academic goals without having to deal with any sort of day-to-day hassles. From the time of allocating to vacating rooms in the hostel, we are your go-to buddies for any issues.
The roles and responsibilities of the Hostel Committee include:
Receiving the student grievances, report to the concerned authorities and get them resolved.
Acts as representatives in discussing mess menu and food quality with various stakeholders
Takes care of all the maintenance related issues encountered in the hostels
Takes care of any minor medical issues a participant might face and work in conjunction with the
wellness center to ensure participants’ health.
We believe in the spirit of enjoying every moment of hostel life and adding an exciting chapter to the
book of IIM Shillong to be cherished forever”.