Top Row Left to Right: Yash Nainani, Aditya Deshpande, Sahil Shah, Ayush Agarwal, Yash Sharma
Bottom Row Left to Right: Himanshu Dixit, Tanya Jagota, Heena Madan, Himanshi Jindal, Vipul Baid
Top Row Left to Right: Yash Nainani, Aditya Deshpande, Sahil Shah, Ayush Agarwal, Yash Sharma
Bottom Row Left to Right: Himanshu Dixit, Tanya Jagota, Heena Madan, Himanshi Jindal, Vipul Baid
Niveshak, the Finance and Investment club of IIM Shillong, strives to be the harbinger of the financial world for the institute’s students. The club, through its activities, provides students a unique exposure, helping them channel and build their financial skills. It provides robust platform for building a sustained and mutually beneficial relationship between the corporates and the students at the institute.
The Niveshak is responsible for organizing and conducting:
Organises knowledge-sharing sessions, where the burning issues in the financial realm are discussed to keep the batch abreast with the current affairs- a major highlight being the budget discussion session that encourages and fosters active participation from the student community.